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【eBlog#0】We're starting an English version of our blog!

執筆者の写真: 尾藤文人尾藤文人



"Good morning, everyone. Autumn has fully arrived in Japan, and it's getting cooler. So far, we have published 37 posts on our blog, but from now on, we will also start publishing an English version under the title 'eBlog.' While the content may not be conventional, we will continue sharing topics related to our company's vision of 'building a society that solves regional and social issues.' We appreciate your continued support."






(1) 人材育成に関するコンサルティング業務

(2) 社会地域課題解決型事業に関するコンサルティング業務
(3) 産学官金メディアなど連携(共創プラットフォーム)に


(4) EC(電子商取引)サイトの企画、制作、販売、運営及び管理
(5) 各種イベントの企画、制作、運営及び管理
(6) 建設運輸事業に関するコンサルティング業務
(7) 前各号に附帯又は関連する一切の事業

【Business Activities】

1. Consulting services related to human resource development

2. Consulting services related to social and regional issue-solving projects

3. Consulting services for collaborations involving industry, academia, government, finance, media, etc. (co-creation platforms)

4. Planning, production, sales, operation, and management of EC (e-commerce) sites

5. Planning, production, operation, and management of various events

6. Consulting services related to the construction and transportation industry

7. All other business activities incidental or related to the above items

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